Thursday 26 January 2012

Killzone: The Summary

The game is set in an era of space colonization where the Helghast Empire has recovered from its defeat in the First Extrasolar War and launched a blitzkrieg against the outer Interplanetary Strategic Alliance (I.S.A.) colony planet Vekta.

In the game, the Helghast are a faction of human descendants who colonized the planet Helghan many generations ago. The planet's harsh environment forced the Helghast to adapt and mutate so much that they can no longer be considered human. They are stronger, faster and more resilient than their human cousins, and possess a burning hatred for humanity.

Earth, after a serious nuclear war between its nations, formed a major government of the richest surviving governments and industries to explore space colonization, eventually settling a solar system outside of Sol. Alpha Centauri is a system with two planets, the lush and blossoming Vekta, the other rich in energy supply but inhospitable; Helghan.

Killzone 1

The player takes control of I.S.A. Captain Jan Templar, who is desperately repelling the invasion. Despite the I.S.A's efforts, they continue to suffer losses and the Helghast slowly prevail. Templar and his squad are called back to the base for reassignment. However, the I.S.A headquarters is overrun by the overwhelming assault force of the swarming Helghast and a forced evacuation was conducted. Templar managed to hold off the invasion with the help of Marshal Lugar. Templar and Lugar are then sent to find the I.S.A. operative Gregor Hakha, a half-Helghast spy who had acquired data on future Helghast movements. On their way they meet Ricardo Velasquez; another I.S.A soldier who had just lost his platoon to Helghast forces.

As they meet up with Hakha, the unit discovered that General Stuart Adams, a high ranking ISA officer, was a traitor. When the Earth Defense Fleet (EDF) arrived to assist the Vektan Army, Adams murdered General Vaughan and prepared an ambush for the EDF relief force. A series of climactic and epic blockbuster conflicts unfold across the docks and other parts of Vekta as the small but specialised unit help regroup ISA with strategic strikes. During the invasion, Hakha confronted and killed Lente while the I.S.A unit was able to call off ECA attacks on the station. Templar and his unit managed to breach and destroy the station and Adams after a fanatical resistance. The battle weakened the Helghan, but their grip on the southern parts of Vekta remained unwaveringly strong and resilient as I.S.A forces regrouped and prepared to finally reclaim their planet.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and watch my video. Please watch this space as i will be summarising and reviewing more and more games.

~ zMacca

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